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21 Kawiory St, Kraków, Poland

Completed National Grants

[Polish flag]

National Grants of Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), Ministry of Science and High Education, Foundation of Polish Science, National Science Centre and National Centre for Research and Development. Some as project partner or project coordinator in collaboration with ACK CYFRONET AGH as project partner or project coordinator

[KMD2 logo]

KMD2 - National Data Storage 2 R02-0025-10, 2011-2013 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The aim of this project is to provide an extended set of optimized services, embedded within the base infrastructure resulting from the first NDS project. The project participants are several Polish HPC centers and MAN units, and the project leader is Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center. Particular emphasis will be put on security of prepared solutions. Therefore two sets of tasks have been distinguished. The first set is oriented towards security analyses of technologies that might be chosen, constant control of their security level (including security expertise delivery for other project participants) and building hardened reference configurations. The other set is directly focused on prepared services and concerns . above all . building an environment for secure files exchange and authentication & authorization solutions.

  Homing/Powroty Grant
The project aims at finding algorithmic results regarding the usage of advanced election rules. In particular, we are interested in winner prediction, campaign management probems, election security, and election system design.
Foundation for Polish Science, 2009-2012
Main Contractor: Piotr Faliszewski, Ph.D.
  Multi-model, multi-criterial and multi-adaptive strategies for solving the inverse tasksinstitution: NCN Grant Number: DEC-2011/03/B/ST6/01393 Title: , Main Contractor: Prof. Robert Schaefer Contractor from the CSG team: Piotr Faliszewski, Ph. D.
[KMD logo]

National Data Store (Krajowy Magazyn Danych) (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH) -- development of new distributed service on data storage,

[Progress logo] Progress (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH) -  The main goal of this project is to create an environment providing access to computational applications, which will be run in a cluster consisted of several SUN computers.
[SGIgrid logo] SGIGrid  (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH) -- The project aims to design and implement: state-of-the-art, broadband services for remote access to expensive laboratory equipment; backup computational center; remote data-visualization service. These services will be based on the national HPC infrastructure and advanced visualization.
2002-2005 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
[Clusterix logo] CLUSTERIX : national CLUSTER of LInuX systems ( (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
[PL-Grid logo] PL Grid: Polish Infrastructure for Supporting Computational Science in the European Research Space
POIG.02.03.00-00-007/08-00, 2009-2011 (coordinated by ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The goal of the PL-Grid project is to provide the Polish scientific community with an IT supercomputing platform and a set of advanced tools to enable e-science research in various fields. This infrastructure aims to be compatible with existing worldwide Grid frameworks.
[IT SOA logo]

IT SOA - New Information Technologies for E-economy and Information Society based on the SOA paradigm POIG.01.03.01-00-08/08-01,

[PLGridCore] PLGrid Core (POIG.02.03.00-12-137/13), 2014-2015 (coordinated by ACK Cyfronet AGH)
Competence Centre of Grid and Cloud Infrastructures

Duration: 1.01.2014 r. - 30.11.2015 r. Development of the specialized technological competence center in the field of distributed computing infrastructures, with particular emphasis on grid technologies, cloud computing, and the infrastructures supporting calculations on large data sets.
PLGridNG PLGrid NG (POIG.02.03.00-12-138/13), 2014-2015 (coordinated by ACK Cyfronet AGH)
New Generation domain-oriented services of Polish Infrastructure for e-Science

The project aims at integration of new groups of researchers from the next 14 disciplines with the PL-Grid national computing infrastructure. These include: Medicine, OpenOxides, Mathematics, Biology, Hydrology, Geoinformatics, Meteorology, Complex Networks, e-Baltic-Grid, UNRES, VPH, Computational Chemistry, Nuclear Power, Metal Processing. Thanks to deployment of new domain grids, research teams from these areas will be able to faster obtain results of their caluclations and to better integrate with the national computing infrastructure for science.
[PLGrid logo]

PLGrid PLUS (POIG.02.03.00-00-096/10), 2012-2014
Domain-oriented services and resources of Polish Infrastructure for Supporting Computational Science in the European Research Space

The most important task of the PLGrid Plus Project is preparation of specific computing environments – so called domain grids – i.e., solutions, services and extended infrastructure (including software), tailored to the needs of different groups of scientists. These domain-specific solutions will be created for 13 groups of users, representing the strategic areas and important topics for the Polish and international science: AstroGrid-PL, HEPGrid, Nanotechnologies, Acoustics, Life Science, Chemistry and Physics, Ecology, SynchroGrid, Energetics, Bioinformatics, Health, Materials, and Metallurgy.

  NCN (OPUS, 2013/09/B/ST6/01549), 2013-2016
Interactive Visual Text Analytics (IVTA): Development of novel, user-driven text mining and visualization methods for large text corpora exploration

We hypothesize that visualization and interactive exploration of big text data by an expert is the most natural way for incorporating his prior knowledge and data exploration experience in developing successful models of the analyzed data. The main project goal is, therefore, to provide the methodological framework - Interactive Visual Text Analytics (IVTA) - which integrates new data visualization methods and novel methodologies of incorporating both prior “expert knowledge” and posterior knowledge acquired during the process of interactive data exploration. On the base of IVTA results, important text analytics problems concerning big text data repositories, such as patents and scientific journals, will be attacked, e.g.:

  1. Could there be text models (representations) which are more linguistically informative than the standard vector model, while being efficient enough to be practically (computationally) realizable?
  2. How can prior “expert knowledge” and posterior experience of the user be incorporated in the learning/visualization cycle to make the process of text analytics faster and more precise?
Main Contractor: Prof. Witold Dzwinel


NCN (HARMONIA, 2013/10/M/ST6/00531) 2013-2016
Multi-scale model of tumor dynamics as a key component of the system for optimal anti-cancer therapy

The main project aim, from the point of view of computer science and methodology of computer simulation and modeling, is to develop the multiscale model of tumor dynamics integrating spatio-temporal scales from microscopic (~0,1mm) up to macroscopic tissue (~10 cm). This will enable to simulate tumor proliferation of sizes interesting from the point of view of anticancer therapy, simultaneously controlling cellular (microscopic) dynamics in their critical regions. To this end we will couple two unique and diverse simulation paradigms: discrete model of micro-tissue realized by using Complex Automata (CxA) metaphor, and continuous model of macro-tissue by employing adaptive wavelet collocation numerical approach (AWC) for solving the set of PDEs (partial differential equations) describing proliferation of macroscopic tumor. However, to make this, the secondary aims required to be preformed, i.e., development and implementation of AWC based tumor model and considerable extension of CxA based tumor growth metaphor.
Main Contractor: Prof. Witold Dzwinel

  NCN (SONATA, 2013/09/B/ST10/01734), 2014-2016
eVOLUTUS: the simulator of multiscale evolutionary processes tested on Foraminifera

We propose the construction of a novel algorithmic framework to test and simulate evolutionary principles and their consequences for organisms in defined habitats. As a model organism, we will implement Foraminifera, single-celled eukaryotes that occupy marine benthic and pelagic zones throughout the world and have an extraordinary fossil record throughout the Phanerozoic.
Main Contractor: Paweł Topa, Ph.D.


NCN (Harmonia 3, 2012/06/M/ST1/00358), 2013-2016
Algorithmic aspects of parliamentary elections

The project aims to find algorithmic results regarding multiwinner elections. We are interested, e.g., in winner-determination algorithms for advanced election rules and in their application to parliamentary elections, recommendation systems, multiagent systems, etc.
Main Contractor: Piotr Faliszewski, Ph.D.


NCN (PRELUDIUM 5, UMO-2012/05/N/ST6/03463), 2013-2015
File-less architecture of large scale distributed information systems

The overall goal of this work will be to design an architecture enabling new era in computing and networking – a computing infrastructure without the concept of a file. The major research outcome of this project will be the analysis of the minimal possible set of requirements for a formalism that would satisfy the issues related with loosely structured information stored in a distributed transparent settings. The major success criterion of this project will be in the future adoption of the proposed ideas and results in the emerging new research projects that will build upon the outcomes of the research performed within this research. The core impact of the research will include fostering seamless collaboration and information exchange, minimization of unnecessary data redundancy on a global scale and enabling completely new ways for design and development of operating systems and distributed processing applications.
Main Contractor: Bartosz Kryza, M. Sc.
Supervisor: Prof. Jacek Kitowski


NCN (PRELUDIUM 5, UMO-2012/05/N/ST6/03461), 2013-2014
Scalability and adaptability in the Data Farming methodology

The main objective of the proposed research project is to improve the methodology of scientific research called „Data Farming“ in regard to its adaptability. Research hypothesis stated by the project is as follows: „introducing evolutionary features into the Data Farming methodology will increase research effectiveness by reducing the time necessary to perform Data Farming experiments".
Main Contractor: Dariusz Król, M.Sc.
Supervisor: Prof. Jacek Kitowski

  System interaktywnej symulacji metodami cząstek wybranych procesów biologicznych, sprzężonej z wizualizacją wysokiej rozdzielczości, w oparciu o architektury GPU,
Ministry of Science and High Education,
N N519 443039 (2010-2012),
Main Contractor: Dr. W. Alda
  Algorytmiczna analiza systemów wyborczych,
Ministry of Science and High Education,
N N206 378637 (2009-2011),
Main Contractor: Dr. P. Faliszewski
Rehab: Development of Computational Methods for supporting Holistic Rehabilitation of Patients after Stroke,,
Ministry of Science and High Education,
N N519 315435,
Contract Nr. 3154/B/T02/2008/35 (2008-2010),
Main Contractor: Prof. J. Kitowski
  OntoStor: Knowledge-based Data Access in Grid Environment,,
Ministry of Science and High Education,
N N516 405535,
Contract Nr 4055/B/T02/2008/35 (2008-2010),
Main Contractor: Dr. R. Slota
  Computational Model of Angiogenesis in Solid Tumors Employing the Methods of Structural Comparative Analysis of Laboratory Data with Simulation Results,
Polish Ministry of Education and Science,
3 T11F 010 30 (2006-2008),
Main Contractor: Prof. W. Dzwinel
  Attention Shifting Strategies in Pattern Recognition for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment,
Polish Ministry of Education and Science,
3T11F01929 (2005-2006),
Main Contractor: Prof. W. Dzwinel
  Recognition of critical information employing multiresolutional clustering of large data-sets,
Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN),
4T11C05926 (2004-2006),
Main Contractor: Prof. W. Dzwinel (with Professor Dr Lubaszewski AGH-UJ)
  Computational models of growth in selected problems from geology,
Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN),
7T11C00521 (2004-2005),
Main Contractor: Prof. W. Dzwinel
  Computational aspects of modeling the systems, which involve multiple spatio-temporal scales,
Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN),
4T11F02022 (2001-2004),
Main Contractor: Prof. W. Dzwinel

[Cyfronet logo] Permanent collaboration with Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET-AGH