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21 Kawiory St, Kraków, Poland

Current International Grants


Some in close collaboration with ACK CYFRONET AGH as project partner or project coordinator (for further reading see: DICE projects)

[ERC logo] ERC Consolidator Grant 2020
Pragmatics of Multiwinner Voting: Algorithms and Preference Data Analysis
Coordinator and PI: Prof. Piotr Faliszewski
The ERC's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence.
[Waterline logo] Waterline (2021-2024)
Waterline - new solutions for data assimilation and communication to improve hydrological modelling and forecasting CHIST-ERA-19-CES-006 AGH Coordinator: Bartosz Baliś
[CMS logo] CMS (CERN) - AGH  (2018 - )
Project partner: AGH, Department of Computer Science
Collaboration: Experiment CMS (CERN) – AGH University Science and Technology
Supported by the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education
The aim of the project is collaboration between the CMS experiment at CERN and AGH. CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) is one of the two largest detectors at LHC, which was used to detect the Higgs boson in 2012. AGH contributes to the development of software for PPS (Precise Proton Spectrometer), a subsystem of CMS used for "forward physics". Since 2018, Department of Computer Science AGH is a full member of CMS collaboration, participating in the research and development of experiment software, with focus on big-data processing and CERN Open Data initiative.

Project website:
Contact Persons: Prof. Maciej Malawski (Team Leader), Dr. Leszek Grzanka (Deputy Team Leader)

 [EurValve logo]

 ALICE (CERN) – AGH (2017 - )
Project partner: AGH, Department of Computer Science – coordinator, Department of Electronics (Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunication), Department of Automatics and Robotics and Department of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering) Collaboration: experiment ALICE (CERN) – AGH University of Science and Technology
The aim of the project is collaboration between the ALICE experiment at CERN and AGH. ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment), one of the largest experiments in the world devoted to research in the physics of matter at an infinitely small scale. Although much of the physics of strong interaction is, today, well understood, two very basic issues remain unresolved: the origin of confinement and the mechanism of the generation of mass. Both are thought to arise from the way the properties of the vacuum are modified by strong interaction. Since 2017 AGH is a formal partner of ALICE collaboration, participating in the research and development of experiment software. The main topics cover FPGA solutions, multicast-based calibration data propagation for cluster computing, frameworks for data analysis and machine learning.
Project website:
Contact Persons: Prof. Jacek Kitowski (Team Leader)

  • A number of bilateral international cooperations and grants



Permanent collaboration with Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET-AGH