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21 Kawiory St, Kraków, Poland

Completed International Grants


Some in close collaboration with ACK CYFRONET AGH as project partner or project coordinator (for further reading see: DICE projects)

[Totem logo]

TOTEM (CERN) - AGH  (2013 -2018)
Project partner: AGH, Department of Computer Science
Collaboration: Experiment TOTEM (CERN) – AGH University Science and Technology
Supported by the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education
The aim of the project is collaboration between the TOTEM experiment at CERN and AGH. TOTEM (TOTal Elastic and diffractive cross section Measurement) is a precise proton spectrometer located at the CMS detector of LHC accelerator at CERN. Since 2013, Department of Computer Science AGH is a formal partner of TOTEM collaboration, participating in the research and development of experiment software.
The main topic of collaboration focuses on development of software for off-line data analysis and applications of distributed and parallel processing tools for interactive data analysis.

Project website:
Contact Persons: Prof. Maciej Malawski (Team Leader), Dr. Leszek Grzanka (Deputy Team Leader)

EurValve (2016-2019)
EU FP7, 689617 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
Valvular Heart Disease currently affects 2.5% of the population, but is overwhelmingly a disease of the elderly and consequently on the rise. It is dominated by two conditions, Aortic Stenosis and Mitral Regurgitation, both of which are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, yet which pose a truly demanding challenge for treatment optimisation. By combining multiple complex modelling components developed in recent EC-funded research projects, a comprehensive, clinically-compliant decision-support system will be developed to meet this challenge, by quantifying individualised disease severity and patient impairment, predicting disease progression, ranking the effectiveness of alternative candidate procedures, and optimising the patient-specific intervention plan. This algorithmically-driven process will dramatically improve outcomes and consistency across Europe in this fast-growing patient group, maximising individual, societal and economic outcomes.

[Indigo logo]

H2020 (1.04.2015-30.09.2017) (project partner ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The project aims at the development of the PaaS (Platform as a Service) environment, which will enable to conduct the large-scale calculations, integrating the grid and cloud resources and providing unified access to computing- and data storage resources. Project website:

[EGI-Engage logo] EGI-Engage
H2020 (1.03.2015-31.08.2017) (project partner ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The aim of the project is to accelerate the implementation of the Open Science Commons by expanding the capabilities of a European backbone of federated services for computing, storage, data, communication, knowledge and expertise, complementing community-specific capabilities. Project website:
[Vitroll logo] VirtROLL (2013-2016)
EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), RFSC-CT-2013-00007 (coordinated by ACK Cyfronet AGH)
VirtROLL - Virtual Strip Rolling Mill project is aimed at creation of a computer system dedicated to modelling of hot rolling mill and supporting flexible design of new rolling technologies. The functionality of the system will include the following modules: numerical simulation of rolling processes based on flexible rolling technology design, numerical simulation of material behaviour implemented using AHSS and UHSS metallurgical investigation, optimization of the rolling technology regarding homogeneity and final product properties, inverse analysis for identification of process and material parameters, metamodelling increasing computational efficiency, knowledge base for support of new technology design.Project website

PaaSage (2012-2016)
FP7 261547 (Call FP7-ICT-2013-10)
PaaSage-Enlarged - Model Based Cloud Platform Upperware
PaaSage delivers an open and integrated platform to support model based lifecycle management of Cloud applications. The platform and the accompanying methodology allow model-based development, configuration, optimisation and deployment of existing and new applications, independently of the existing Cloud infrastructures. Project website

[gSLM logo]

Service Delivery and Service Management in Grid Infrastructures
FP7 261547, 2010-2012 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The gSLM project aims to improve Service Level Management (SLM) in the grid domain. This will make it easier for grid resource owners, operators, and representatives of user groups to agree upon, document and manage the many agreements between stakeholders required to make the grid run smoothly. By bringing together experts in grid operations and management with leading members of the IT Service Management community, the project will generate new approaches and concepts for grid SLM.

[Maper logo] Mapper -- Multiscale Applications on European e-Infrastructures
FP7 261507, 2010-2013 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The MAPPER project will respond to the critical need by developing computational strategies, software and services for distributed multiscale simulations across disciplines, exploiting existing and evolving European e-Infrastructure. This project is driven by the computational needs of seven exemplary multiscale problems from a variety of disciplines including Systems Biology, Fusion, Physiology, Engineering, and nano-Material Science. Mapper will use and enhance existing solutions to support the multiscale simulation community, building simulation systems such as GridSpace.
[UrbanFlood logo] UrbanFlood
FP7 248767, 2010-2013 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The mission of the UrbanFlood project is investigating the use of sensors within flood embankments to support an online early warning system, real time emergency management and routine asset management. The Common Information Space (CIS) provides a means for integration, over the Internet, of Early Warning Systems, sensors and application programs for public information, decision support.
[EDA logo]

EUSAS - European Urban Simulation for Asymmetric Scenarios.
EDA project A-0676-RT-GC JIP-FP Call 4, 2010-2013 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The aim is to develop a new approach to mission analysis and training for low level units facing asymmetric threats in an urban environment. It addresses the topic "human behaviour modelling" of the call 4 of Force Protection. An article about this project.

[Gredia logo] Grid enabled access to rich media content
FP6 34363, 2006-2009 (project partner: ACK Cyfonet AGH)
created a platform for design and deployment of secure applications support for mobile devices to be integrated in the Grid. The common characteristics of business applications are the central concept of a Virtual Organisation and the demand for access and sharing of large quantities of distributed annotated numerical and multimedia content.The work advanced the SYMBIAN mobile operating system to exploit Grid opportunities. The potential effects of the Gredia platform were validated through two pilot applications servicing news and banking organisations, demonstrating secure access to distributed multimedia content in the first case and numerical annotated data in the second.
[Interactive Grid logo] Interactive European Grid Project
2006-2008 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
Aim of the Interactive European Grid Project was to develop advanced grid structure within European Research Area. The structure is oriented on running interactive parallel applications within Grid environment. project basis on experience gained by consortium of research workers of various disciplines. The aim of the consortium is to promote European e-Infrastructure which basis on clusters with high computational power. Within project compatibility with EGEE infrastructure is assured with topics:
  • Distributed Parallel (MPI) Interactive Computing and Storage at the Tera level
  • User Friendly Access through a Grid Interactive Desktop with powerful visualization
  • Supporting Virtual Organizations at all levels: setup, collaborative environment, gridenhancement of applications, execution and monitoring tools, discussion of results.
[Virolab logo] Virolab is a Grid-based Virtual Laboratory for Decision Support in Viral Disease Treat.
IST-027446, 2006-2009 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The virtual lab will be a fundamental tool enabling scientists to share and distribute information to help acquire data bringing the medical world a few steps closer to finding cures for diseases such as HIV/Aids. The Virtual Laboratory endorses tools for statistical analysis, visualization, modeling and simulation, to prognosticate the temporal virological and immunological response of viruses with complex mutation patterns to drug therapy.
[K-Wf Grid logo]

K-Wf Grid - the Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications
(2004-2007) (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
K-WfGrid project addressed the need for a better infrastructure for the future Grid environment. In order to address the complexity in using and controlling the next generation Grid, the consortium adopted the approaches envisioned by semantic Web and Grid communities in a novel, generic infrastructure. The K-Wf Grid system assisted its users in composing powerful Grid workflows by means of a rule-based expert system.

[CoreGRID logo] CoreGRID - the European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies.
2004-2008 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies. The programme of the Project was structured around six complementary research areas that have been selected on the basis of their strategic importance, their research challenges and the recognised European expertise to develop next generation Grid middleware
[EGEE logo] Enabling Grids for E-science - the project aims to provide researchers in academia and industry with access to major computing resources, independent of their geographic location. The EGEE project will also focus on attracting a wide range of new users to the Grid. (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
[Crossgrid logo]

CROSSGRID - Development of Grid Environments for Interactive Applications
EU IST2001-32243, 2002-2005 (coordinated by ACK Cyfronet AGH)
The CrossGrid project was oriented towards compute- and data-intensive applications that are characterized by the interaction with a person in a processing loop. Such applications require a response from the Grid to an action by a human agent in different time scales.

[Pellucid logo] PELLUCID - A Platform for Organizationally Mobile Public Employees
EU IST2001-34519, 2002-2004 (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
  An integrated approach to mammogram analysis,
Digital Technology Center (DTC) Research Program, 2004, University of Minnesota, USA (2003-2004),
Main Contractor: Prof. W. Dzwinel, PI, with Professor Dr D.A. Yuen, University of Minnesota
  Mesoscale Simulations of Thin Film for Viscous Fluid,
Energy Research Laboratory Technology Research Program, Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under subcubcontract from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, (1999-2002),
Main Contractor: Prof. W. Dzwinel, PI
  Large-Scale Parallel Molecular Simulations of Microhydrodynamic Phenomena by Metacomputing Approach (US-Poland Maria Curie-Skłodowska Fund II) 1994-1997
[VPH-Share logo]

VPH-Share (2011-2015) (project partner: ACK Cyfronet AGH)
VPH-Share develops the organisational fabric and integrates optimized services to (1) expose and share data and knowledge, (2) jointly develop multiscale models for the composition of new VPH workflows, (3) facilitate collaboration within the VPH community. Four flagship workflows (representing @neurIST, euHeart, VPHOP and Virolab projects) provide existing data, tools and models, engaging with the services developed by VPH-Share to drive the development of the infostructure and pilot its applications. Data sources are usually clinical data from individual patients – medical images and/or biomedical signals – sometimes with population information. Operations range from secure access and storage through annotation, data inference and assimilation, to complex image processing and physics-based mathematical modelling, to data reduction and representation.


  • A number of bilateral international cooperations and grants with:
    • University of Amsterdam,
    • University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute
    • Technical University of Munchen,
    • University of Camerino,
    • University of Vienna,
    • University of Klagenfurt,
    • University of Linz,
    • University of Knoxville,
    • Argonne National Laboratory,
    • Supercomputing Institute of University of Minnesota
    • Universite de Technologie de Compiegne

Permanent collaboration with Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET-AGH